Salux charm skin fabric

When somebody touches my arm in passing as well as blurts out, “omg your SKIN, it’s SO soft!” I’m a bit embarrassed as well as amazed – I mean, I truly have no frame of recommendation to the degree of skin softness on other people. This invariably leads to said person asking somebody else to touch my skin to confirm that it is indeed SO soft, which leads to petting time at the zoo…

I can’t pinpoint precisely why my skin is “SO soft” however I can characteristic it to a few things:
•  Genetics 60%
•  Skincare products (soaps, shower gels, lotion, body butter) 25%
•  Salux fabric 15%

What is this Salux cloth?  It’s like the cherry on the cake!

I discovered about this product through MakeupAlley product evaluations as well as what fascinated me was that it had a score of 4.8 out of 5.0 with much more than 400 reviews.   That’s unheard of, truly – such a big number of people score a product so highly.  Well, count me among the converted.  Salux fabric is a nylon-polyester abrasive fabric for exfoliating the body – the 2 unique attributes that makes this fabric different than others I’ve tried are:

• Its size: it measures 11″ X 35″ (28cm X 90cm), making it a long rectangle, ideal for scrubbing the back like so:

(such a adorable illustration, this is from the back of the package!)

• Its texture: it’s rather a spiky gritty weave, much more abrasive than other similar cloths I’ve tried.  Warning: if you have sensitive skin, be gentle with exactly how much pressure to utilize – my skin actually tingles for about half an hour after I utilize this cloth.  I would not suggest this for utilize on the face!

As noted on the package, it assists to utilize less soap because it lathers up truly well:

Aside from utilizing it for my back, I lot it up similar to one of the nylon shower puffs to utilize with shower gel or bar soap as well as leaves my skin glowing!  I utilize my Salux fabric on average once to twice a week.

My very first Salux fabric I bought on the internet from the official Salux shop, for $11 USD.  Now I understand better.  I now either purchase them from Oriental markets, where they’re only $5, or other trusted on the internet sources at less than $5.  Don’t accept imitations – I’ve tried a hold of other non-Salux top quality exfoliating clothes as well as they’re not as abrasive or as effective.

Have you utilized the Salux fabric before?  Do you utilize any type of exfoliating cloths in the shower?

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