NARS Unsung Heroes: Lovejoy blush

Combined, some words are even greater than the sum of their parts. Take Nutella and doughnuts, for instance. Both tasty treats by themselves, for sure, but stick them together and BOOM!

Magic (super high-calorie magic).


I think the same principle also applies to NARS Lovejoy, a $27 powder blush from the NARS permanent line.

NARS Lovejoy does much more than combine two — wait, three terrific words. It also combines two of my favorite products, blush and bronzer.

And seriously, with a name like Lovejoy, how could it have been anything but good?


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

Around this time every year, with the last vestiges of my summer tan fading from view, I start reaching for bronzers much more and much more typically to add some extra warmth to my face. Not as a replacement for blush, but in addition to it.

But on days when I’m too rushed (or too lazy) in the morning to deal with both, NARS Lovejoy’s mix of rosy plum and bronze pigments and golden glitter completely hits the spot. Its power comes from its ability to combine a rosy flush with a natural-looking bronzy glow, so it’s kinda like getting a two-for-one, with a bronzer and blush in a single pan. I think it really sings on olive skin tones, but I’ve also heard cool-toned gals gush over it, too.

Because NARS gave Lovejoy much more than enough pigment, I think it’s easy to overdo. It pays to apply it with a feather light touch, and I like the results I get when I use it with a synthetic skunk brush (for a sheer, natural-looking veil of color).

One layer is typically enough to give my cheeks a flush like they’ve just been pinched, and because I don’t have to use much, the pan ought to last, oh, roughly three lifetimes.

Even if you worry sparkly stuff, don’t be scurred of Lovejoy’s golden glitter. It may look intimidating in the pan, but those flecks are very fine and don’t shine a spotlight on pores or fine lines. just enough shimmer to keep skin looking glowy and fresh.

And to top everything off, Lovejoy lasts all day long on my combination skin.

Ahh, Lovejoy… I love that you bring me so much joy.

تتميز سلسلة Heroes Unsung NARS ببعض منتجاتي المفضلة من مجموعة NARS الدائمة

الأبطال المجهولون NARS: Lovejoy Blush

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I love Beginners…

أوه! I rented a really beautiful film a couple of days ago called Beginners, starring Ewan McGregor, Christopher Plummer and Melanie Laurent.

It’s a love story/coming-of-age film about a graphic artist who lives in Los Angeles (Ewan). He’s handling the recent death of his dad and trying to relocation on with his life.

New beginnings play a big part in the story. It’s one of those happy-yet-sad movies; I have a feeling that the filmmakers and actors really loved the material and cared for the characters while they made it.

It also stars one of the cutest Jack Russell terriers this side of Hollywood…

If I had a yard, I’d plot to get a canine like him for our family, which I’m sure Tabs would never forgive me for.

Anywho, a highly recommended film! It’s out on DVD and available to rent on Netflix now.


Ya know, for the next time you’re in the mood to stay in and view a comfortable flick. انا فقط اقول’…

مدمن سحر الحي الصديق،


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