My darlings,
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes… Yes, kitty models read! My life is not just quick quips on social media. I also love getting lost in the pages of a good book, and here are 15 of my very favorite reads — all of them highly recommended for both cats and professional pet assistants.
1. national geographic field guide to the Birds of north america ($19,
Because I’ve always enjoyed locally sourced food. This field guide is a must for any serious feline chef.
I suppose you could also use it for birding too.
2. Bird by Bird: Some instructions on writing and Life ($9.72,
Speaking of birds, I reread this book at least once a year. Yes, it’s that good. It’s filled with lots of practical advice for writers and will make you laugh along the way.
القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟
42 دولار
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It’s a classic in the writing genre, and it really helped me get through my memoirs. I particularly like the advice on not self-editing while you write your first draft.
3. Chanel: Collections and Creations ($32.47,
I turn to this book whenever I need inspiration. It’s filled with lovely, luxuriant pictures on every aspect of Chanel — clothes, jewelry, accessories, makeup, fragrance — from throughout the brand’s storied history.
I always keep it on my coffee table next to a bowl of Feline Greenies.
4. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and organizing ($10.81,
I’m naturally neat and organized, but my assistant is a slob, so I ordered this book to learn how better to help her help me, and I found it very informative.
The book outlines an organizational system that involves paring down your valuables to the bare essentials and only keeping things that you find inspiring.
5. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft ($10.12,
Another classic in the writing genre, this book is accessible, amusing, easy to read and terrific for would-be novelists. It’s also very interesting to learn about how Stephen King got his start as a writer.
6. The Girl’s Guide: getting the hang of your whole complicated, unpredictable, impossibly fantastic life ($13.63,
Full disclosure: I am not the target market for this book, but I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway. My assistant had it on her nightstand, and I picked it up out of curiosity. It has lots of practical advice for women of all ages on things like finding roommates, living on your own, building your wardrobe, and retirement planning.
7. The Hunger games ($7.09,
Couldn’t put it down! If you’re a citizen of this planet, you probably already know the plot, which involves a young woman’s quest to survive a lethal game of sport called the Hunger Games.
I read it in preparation for a movie role. another cat got it, but I’m not bitter…
8. Sugar Street: The Cairo Trilogy, volume 3 ($11.33,
It’s been a while since I read this one, but I loved all three books in the trilogy. The imagery is vivid, the characters authentic and the situation moving. The story follows a tyrannical patriarch and his family through generations.
9. A Hundred Summers ($7.89,
Set in 1938 Rhode Island, this story revolves around a well-to-do family’s secret and a cataclysmic storm.
10. Unlimited: A Three-Step plan for Achieving Your dreams ($11.68,
This book made an impression on me. I remember reading it and feeling like I could handle my busy life better. I felt like Jillian was right there talking to me like a life coach. It’s not really a workout book. It’s more about personal growth and self-improvement.
11. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret ($4.44,
I remember reading this coming-of-age story 200 times when I was a kitten. It’s about a girl navigating adolescence and growing up, so again I’m not exactly the target market, but Judy Blume has a wonderful way with words.
This one’s a throwback to a time when teen fiction didn’t have to involve games of death or dystopian societies. It’s a very simple, sweet story. ينصح به بشده.
12. The sun also Rises ($11.32,
On the surface, this book is just a story about a bunch of young people partying, but Hemingway was also a cat lover, and that’s really all you need to know.
13. Miles of MAC ($24.77,
This feast for the eyes is another one of my favorite coffee table books. It’s these huge, bright pictures of past MAC campaigns, and flipping through it gives you a gorgeous visual history of the brand.
14. makeup Makeovers in 5, 10, 15, and 20 Minutes: expert secrets for stunning Transformations ($14.49,
This book has step-by-step instructions on lots of down-to-earth makeup looks. I don’t know how many of them can actually be done in 20 minutes, but maybe if you were super organized and practiced themحفنة من المرات.
لا أعرف، رغم ذلك، لأن مساعدتي عادة ما يفعل مكياجي.
15. الخضار اليوم (Williams-Sonoma): 365 وصفات لكل يوم من أيام السنة (24.51 دولار،
أنا آكلة اللحوم، من الواضح، لذلك حصلت على هذا الكتاب لمساعدتي، لكنها تحب ذلك. انها تقرأها كل ليلة قبل النوم.
هذه الوصفة بروشيتا أدناه هي واحدة من المفضلة لها …
استمر في القراءة، والاستمرار في أن تكون رائعا يا صديقي!
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