WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the champion is Katrina! Congratulations, Katrina! If you went into however didn’t win this time around around, keep trying, and click right here to go into any continuous giveaways before you jet.
I’m truly intending to go to brunch this morning because I’m craving banana pancakes like crazy!
Mmm, pancakes…
Happy Easter weekend! You understand what I don’t understand? Oatmeal at brunch. perhaps it’s because I have oatmeal for breakfast every other day during the week (I phone call it gruel). however I figure, if I’m going out to breakfast or brunch, I like to have something a bit special, ya know?
Don’t get me wrong — I like oatmeal, however I can’t keep in mind the last time I heard somebody say, “We must absolutely go to this location I heard about for brunch because they have remarkable oatmeal.”
مضحك جداً!
القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟
42 دولار
تسوق الآن
Another of my preferred breakfast/brunch foods: hash browns. I’ve yet to best the art of making hash brown at home. Mine are normally overdone.
As much as I like breakfast, I’m not the biggest breakfast cook. I believe it takes my brain a great deal longer to get up than it takes my tummy.
ما يقوله الناس…
“يا إلهي! قل شكرا لك كثيرا كارين (وعلامات التبويب، بالطبع)! أنا أقدر حقا هذا! كنت أتطلع إلى قلم رصاص أناستازيا الحاجب في سترايبورن لتتناسب مع شعري الأحمر! ”
-شيلسي (وجيجي هريرة و كوينسي الأرنب)
“Hi Karen and Tabs. رائع! شكرا جزيلا على هذا! It’s difficult to believe I actually won something. I can’t wait to shop my bit heart out! شكرًا لك مرة أخرى. like to Tabs! and I like your blog with the Tabs stories. ;+)”
-Sophie, St Petersburg, FL
“Never before have I been so delighted to inspect my email ideal before bed!!! قل شكرا لك ذلك، كثيرا! I genuinely take pleasure in your blog and inspect it practically daily! شكرًا لك مرة أخرى! هذا جعل ليلتي!
-Melissa، إدموند، حسنا
“مرحبا كارين. يا إلهي! لا أستطيع أن أصدق أنني فزت! : س قل شكرا لك كثيرا! أنت، علامات التبويب، ومدونتك مذهلة! say thanks to you for keeping me updated on all things charm and a lot more importantly, for keeping me entertained! استمر في فعل شيءك! قل شكرا لك مرة أخرى. ”
“مرحبا كارين. قل شكرا لك كثيرا، أنا متحمس للغاية، لم أفز أي شيء من قبل. اسمي هناء … لقد تحولت فقط 25 (اليوم هو عيد ميلادي!) ياي! قل شكرا لك. ”
One (1) Sephora eGift card consisting of $50 sent to the champion by email (international readers, you may opt to get $50 sent by PayPal instead).
There are two methods to enter, and you can do both of them for two possibilities to win. First, you can go into by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post, a comment about anything at all, like, when was the last time you went out to breakfast/brunch? Do you apply your makeup before or after breakfast? Are you reading any great books? Are your brows filled in ideal now? What are you as much as this weekend (happy Easter!)? – انت وجدت الفكرة.
Second, you can go into by complying with me on Twitter @karenmbb and retweeting (RT) the complying with message:
اتبع @ Karenmbb و RT للفوز ببطاقة Egift بقيمة 50 دولارا من Sephora!
The deadline to go into is Sunday, April 8, 2012 at 11:59PM (PT).
Entrants need to go into utilizing a valid email address and/or Twitter account to win.
A maximum of two (2) entrances per person — one within the comments at the bottom of this post, and a second entry by means of Twitter attended to to me @karenmbb.
Contest is available to individuals of any country who have reached the age of majority according to their regional legislations (18 in the united states with these exceptions: Alabama and Nebraska, 19; Mississippi, 21).
Sephora eGift Certificates can only be redeemed on the internet and are not valid in stores or available for purchase or redemption in Canada. قد يختار الفائزون في جميع أنحاء العالم استبدال جائزة بطاقة Sephora Egift مقابل 50 دولارا تم إرسالها مباشرة إلى عنوان بريدهم الإلكتروني بواسطة PayPal بدلا من ذلك.
Tabs and I (heretofore referred to as “T-Money and K-Dawg”) will choose one (1) champion at random from the entrances either left in the comments at the bottom of this blog publish or attended to to @karenmbb on Twitter.
سيتم الكشف عن البطل هنا في غضون 48 ساعة من الموعد النهائي.
باطلة حيث يحظرها القانون.
مدمن سحر المجتمع الخاص بك،
WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the champion is Katrina! Congratulations, Katrina! If you went into however didn’t win this time around around, keep trying, and click right here to go into any continuous giveaways before you jet.